Renovation Realty

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June 2, 2018

Reasons Why Staging is a Good Idea

For those with homes for sale in San Diego, there are quite a few decisions to make. The first one is probably going to be which […]
December 29, 2017

Is Buying a Fixer-Upper Worth the Cost?

For those that have gone through San Diego real estate listings and have seen homes for sale that are way out of their price range, the […]
December 10, 2017

Quick Tips to Give Your Home a More Elegant and Sophisticated Feel

You want your home to look as good as possible to help it sell. When it comes to homes for sale, San Diego sellers can get […]
October 14, 2017

San Diego Property Values Continue to Appreciate

In the wake of the housing debacle of 2008, real estate markets all across America struggled to recover from the fall out of so many foreclosures […]
September 14, 2017

5 Ways to Ready Your Home for an Open House

The way a home looks on the day of an open house can determine how quickly it is going to sell. With this in mind, it […]
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